The submission is closed.
Thank you very much for joining with LAF.
The results of applicants selection have been sent to all applicants since June 15th.
With warm regards from LAF team. :-)
LAF open call for artworks from international artists
Prayoon for Art, in partnership with STAR TIER project committee, are on the look out for international artists interest to share their artistic creation and exchange with the locals in small province located among mountains, next to border of Thailand, called Loei - the land of friendship, spiritualism, and creativity.
We are open for all genres of contemporary arts; Painting, Photographing, VDO, Installation, Music, Performance especially multidisciplinary works.
Theme: Spirit of origin, and the new beginning.
Deadline for the open call: Extended to June 14, 2021
we will inform all applicants of the results by June 15, 2021 via email.
Exhibiting period during Loei Art Fes 2021 (LAF) : 23 July - 1 August 2021
Regarding to the limitation of international traveling during the COVID-19 situation that we don't want it to prevent us to connect transnationally. We are focusing on two types of creation.
1. The artwork that can be transferred digitally via internet.
2. Script / Manual / Guideline that allow the artwork can be produced locally by local practitioners.
All selected artworks will be exhibited in LOEI ART FES (LAF) 2021 which will be held during 23 Jul - 1 Aug 2021.
What can we offer to the selected artists?
In this edition of LAF, we still can not cover the artist fee but we will propose the exposure on our social media and our media partner, both locally and internationally.
All required equipment and installing facilities will be provided by LAF team.
Where my work(s) will be exhibited?

Venues are the community area located in Dansai & Muang district, Loei Province, Thailand.
For example,
Amarin Cinema, Muang district I https://goo.gl/maps/tNqRUudPowsVVN526
Kud Pong public park, Muang district I https://goo.gl/maps/5yS1vJgUDzi3ATa59
The old gas station, Muang district I https://goo.gl/maps/NZns738JqTr3sYpo7
Student art center of Loei Pittayakom School, Muang district I https://goo.gl/maps/j87q4wRGBfnreJZa6
Pu Piang Por Forest, Dansai district I https://goo.gl/maps/QAK8b57G8r5nrikL7
Crown Prince Hospital Dansai, Dansai district I https://goo.gl/maps/bj7GkLynwiSTHBjWA
Terms & Conditions
1. Application deadline is extended to June 14, 2021. After the deadline, we will carefully review the submissions and we will inform all applicants of the results by June 15, 2021 via email.
2. This submission is non-competition selection
3. We are a small independent non-profit art festival that organized by collaboration of civil networks. In this stage we still can't pay the 'artist fee' for the selected artwork. Regarding to this condition, we didn't expect for your new creation. Even it's your past works, it's very valuable to open new experience for the citizens in festival location who barely have opportunity to experience contemporary art from outside.
4. The festival will cover all exhibition cost; production, installation, technical setup, maintenance, and deinstallation.
5. Without agreement from artist, the festival has no right upon the artwork that will be produced in the festival.
6. The festival will deinstall all selected artworks after the festival closing. Extension of exhibition or artwork transferring will be occurred only upon artist agreement.
How to apply?
1. Click the 'Apply now' button below and fill in the application form.
2. While filling in the form, you will be requested to attach the link containing your work(s). You can choose whether upload to our google drive (the drive is linked in the 'upload' button in the form), Youtube link, SoundCloud link, or the downlink such as WeTransfer, but make sure that the link will not be expired during the applying period. It could be an excerpt or an entire of your work.
3. Once you finish filling out the form and upload your work. An automatic email will be sent to your email for confirming your application receives.
4. The selective artworks will be announced to the applicant within 30 June via email. If you do not receive an email from the LAF team within this date, it means that your works are not selected.
5. After contacting the selected artists for result announcement, a contract paper will be made for the agreement between the LAF team and artists to make sure that their artworks will be exhibited only in Loei Art Fes 2021, from 23 July - 1 August to keep the rights for artists' works.
6. For more information, please leave your question in the chatbox of our facebook page : https://www.facebook.com/lowfatartfes . We will answer your question as soon as possible.